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Career Provision

South Charnwood High School CEIAG/ Work Related Learning Provision Map

  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term

Year 7

Tutor time activities: STEM/Careers, ‘Be Brilliant’, A scientist just like me.


PDC Unit: Life Beyond School

  • Careers and your future
  • Financial Education
  • Transition points in your life


PDC session: LEBC advisor running ‘Introduction to Start’ Careers platform


  • National careers week 
  • Apprenticeship week
  • Employability Skills/Aspirations
  • HE university outside speakers                                                

STEM visit to Loughborough University


Architecture workshop

Year 8

Tutor time activities: STEM/Careers, ‘Be Brilliant’ A scientist just like me.


PDC Unit: Life Beyond School


  • Employability skills practice
  • Proud to be me and careers
  • Labour Market Information
  • Exploring Careers


  • National careers week 
  • Apprenticeship week
  • Employability Skills/Aspirations
  • HE university outside speakers

Careers Speed Networking Event:

Opportunity to meet employers/employees. Pre and post event reflection and research.

STEM visit to Loughborough University


Architecture workshop


Aim Higher Loughborough University Experience Day

Tutor Time Careers Unit: Step into the NHS

Year 9

Tutor time activities: STEM/Careers, ‘Be Brilliant’ A scientist just like me.


1:1 LEBC  careers interview – SEN & PP pupils + those with attitude/behaviour concerns

‘Meet the Sector’

Pre-event PDC session on different sectors and LMI. Opportunity to meet employers/employees. LMI session included in this event.  Pupils complete action plan re careers post this event. 

Subject and careers ideas sheets for option choices.


  • National careers week 
  • Apprenticeship week
  • Employability Skills/Aspirations
  • HE university outside speakers 

Options Evening.

1:1 interview with SLT member regarding pathways and options.

Subject and careers ideas sheets for option choices.

Tenner challenge activity.

FE taster sessions (small groups)

Aim Higher Loughborough University Experience Day

Assembly from Apprenticeship provider/ASK

PDC Unit: Life Beyond School

  • From failure to success
  • Saving and managing money
  • Employment and financial skills 

Year 10

Assembly: Destination choices Information, information to parents

PDC Unit: Life Beyond School

  • Personal Statement
  • CV writing
  • Employability
  • Apprenticeships
  • Leadership skills
  • Enterprise
  • Job interviews
  • Trade Unions
  • The big Careers Quiz

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award.

SCUBA Business Ambassadors recruited: interviewed by previous ambassadors. Three meetings organised by ambassadors.

Skills for work option starts – contains FE taster sessions & employability skills. Personalised careers programme for SEN pupils. 

Year 10 Parents Information Evening


  • National careers week 
  • Apprenticeship week
  • Employability Skills/Aspirations
  • HE university outside speakers

1:1 LEBC interview to support PP/those with attitude/behaviour/attendance concerns.

SCUBA Meeting: Ambassadors to host.

FE taster sessions (small groups)

Year 10 pupils complete post 16 intention form.

Introduction to PS16. Personal statement to be completed by the end of the year. 

SCUBA Meeting: Ambassadors to host.

Year 11

Post 16 Progression Evening – attendance from Local schools/colleges/Apprenticeship Hub/Forces/Universities.

Year 11 Parents evening/booklet for all pupils containing post 16 pathway information.

1:1 LEBC  interview for every pupil focused on post 16 pathway/application (40 mins)

Year 11 apply for post 16 pathway through PS16. Support through LEBC/form tutors.

Lunchtime ‘Drop in sessions’ from all main post 16 providers

Year 11 mock interviews/interview advice/revision skills/motivational speakers in Year 11 conference.

PDC session: Apprenticeships workshops from ASK.

On-going assemblies/tutor information re courses/levels/how to choose a pathway. @My Path’ careers videos shown.

LLEP ‘World of Work Leicestershire’ provided to all pupils and parents.

FE taster sessions (small groups)


  • National careers week 
  • Apprenticeship week
  • Employability Skills/Aspirations
  • HE university outside speakers

Year 11 college interviews

Potential NEET interviews with LEBC careers advisor.

NCS assembly

FE taster sessions (small groups)

LEBC careers advisor attends transition meetings for LAC/EHCP pupils

Results Day: Destination form completed.

LEBC Careers  Advisor to attend results day to give immediate advice to those pupils who have not gained a place on their preferred destination pathway.

NCS volunteering offered.

South Charnwood High Schools Careers Leader is Mrs K. Juszkiewicz. To get in touch with her please use the Post 16 Progression contact form here, the school telephone number or office email address below.

South Charnwood has:

  • A school website with a dedicated careers area with links to useful careers advice, post 16 options and LMI.

  • Information regarding post 16 provider open days provided via tutors and notice boards around school. 

  • Various activities and events organised on top of the above – STEM days/Big Bang event/Careers Speed Networking/Speakers in assemblies/input from Apprenticeship Hub/assemblies from local colleges.

  • Labour Market information provided at Y11 Parents Information Evening, also via email to all Y10/Y11 parents.

  • Business ambassadors recruited for SCUBA initiative in Y10. Y11 Business ambassadors to mentor and cascade skills gained.

  • Careers information  linked to individual subjects displayed around school.

  • PDC/Careers Education journey is displayed in every classroom around the school.